How to Make Other Countries Like You Again on Total War Empire

posted 01-fifteen-10 10:47 AM EDT (U.s.a.)

Firstly: Hullo everyone, I'm new hither.

Ok now: I want to start creating a ability cake. I (Austria) just had a revolution towards republic (just for the fun of it) but now I badly need a skilful ally like Sweden to my n. They have built a big empire and have swallowed upwardly much of Russia.

How do I get good relations with countries?

posted 01-15-ten 11:37 AM EDT (US)     one / 10

Well the most obvious ways involves gifting coin, gifting state presents (they seem to practice very little) and gifting engineering. Yous could also try gifting provinces, but that is a more than drastic method, unless you have somewhere you want to become off your hands due to rebellion or something. Also keeping on the "good side" of people y'all want to please helps (east.g: Accept a trade road with them for a long time), so try not to marry with their enemies if yous can as that tin brand the human relationship worse.

Depending on the corporeality of technology you take available to gift them, y'all tin get even hostile factions to instantly be friendly with you.

HOW FAR Volition You lot GO FOR ROME? | ROME Two Heaven | OUR Total WAR Sky STEAM GROUP

[This message has been edited by Scipii (edited 01-15-2010 @ 12:27 PM).]

posted 01-xv-x 12:05 PM EDT (Usa)     2 / 10

If you lot don't intendance most being a democracy y'all could have an upper form revolution to a Constitutinal Monarchy.Whatever Faction will be your marry as long as you pay them enough.If you lot desire relations to go up dont conquer whatever new land for a while.

Do state gifts do anything i apply them but they dont practice any affair?

posted 01-fifteen-10 12:23 PM EDT (US)     3 / 10

State Gifts seem to be a waste of time since you lot tin make a faction like you quicker and easier but by gifting them money and\or technology. Helps to have the aforementioned government blazon but nothing plenty gifts cannot conquer.

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posted 01-xv-10 12:54 PM EDT (US)     4 / 10

Welcome to the forums, Mic!

Lots of gifts does seem to be the answer, and technology seems to have a greater touch than annihilation else, except perhaps territory. I have had little success reversing my continuing with other nations, at least in a positive way. (I accept picayune trouble, however, going from friendly to hostile.) Information technology besides helps to marry with their allies, if possible, and declare war on their enemies. The difficulty level of the entrada seems to make a departure, likewise. Though I'm not sure about this, information technology seems to exist more difficult to maintain positive relations with other nations at the higher difficulty settings.

"It is impossible to relish idling thoroughly unless one has enough of work to do. In that location is no fun in doing nothing when y'all have nothing to do.
Wasting fourth dimension is merely an occupation then, and a most exhausting i. Idleness, similar kisses, to exist sweet must be stolen." -- Jerome 1000. Jerome

"Some people become then expert at reading between the lines they don't read the lines." -- Margaret Millar

ERADICATE CONDESCENSION! (That means don't talk downwardly to people.)

posted 01-15-10 06:xi PM EDT (US)     5 / 10

Gifts are great but they dont neccesaraly solve the trouble

The best way is get a trade agreement and to just wait.

posted 01-16-10 12:00 PM EDT (US)     6 / 10

I agree that the trade agreement is the best route. Also, I've noticed that information technology'southward important to know which territories are necessary for victory for all factions. On difficult an VH difficulty, the AI tends to declare war on you if you lot own one of their victory territories even if you are very friendly/trading. Option the countries you want to snuggle with from the outset based on those. Also I like to brand allies on the reverse forepart of my enemies. Y'all are both probable to fight that sandwiched country (improved relations) and yous divide your enemy onto two fronts.

posted 01-16-10 05:00 PM EDT (US)     7 / ten

That brings up a really important point, I don't like how you cannot coordinate a simultanious or strategic strike against an enemy with your allies.

posted 01-18-x 02:35 PM EDT (US)     8 / 10

Ninja in Napoleon total war you may be abel to make strategic strikes. Like trade block, diplomatic cake, militarry cake and things like that with other nations confronting another.

Just similar Napoleon did against GB in his times.

I am not 100% if its true, but i am pretty sure i have read information technology or heard it from an intervjue.

Ludwig II Award (craziest forumer) -- Sondre_norge, armenian (tie)
Continental Army Award (about improved forumer) -- Sondre_norge
Napoleon Award (most likely to be promoted) -- Sondre_norge
( tin can only dream about that happening)

posted 02-05-10 00:l AM EDT (US)     9 / 10

Regarding the image shift from hostile to friendly, it'south good to think about things on a personal level.

Say you have a friend. He smiles at you, gives you gifts, politely speaks to you, and doesn't intrude on your life. Then, one day, he sleeps with your girlfriend behind your back, or he attacks a family member for, seemingly, no reason -- or even worse, because he wanted something they had. Suddenly, this friend is no longer a friend; the trust he has built upward with you disappears.

Suddenly, he reverts to the same behavior. He gives yous one thousand gifts, he speaks to you with well-nigh sick saccharine, and he avoids any interference in your life beyond what you would go to him for. He's non your friend, though, fifty-fifty for all of this, for a long time. Why? He already broke your trust, and he is now, primarily, a threat, not a friend.

The same goes with nations. Gift them, treat them, respect them, merely then attack them or ally with an enemy power, and suddenly you lot're dorsum to square one, and it takes a lot more than to get dorsum where you lot were. In fact, you never may. Retrieve that the game doesn't occur in a vacuum: previous events have destroyed your relations with sure nations already. Therefore, information technology is exceedingly hard to make them your friends over again.

The sinews of state of war are infinite money. - Tacitus
State of war isn't almost dyin' for your country. It's most making the other poor bastard die for his country first. - Gen. Patton

posted 02-05-10 12:12 PM EDT (The states)     x / 10

You tin stack state gifts, giving it several times will increase the bonus. Information technology has a limit somewhere around +fourscore. A practiced thing to know is that territorial expansion doesn't affect countries that are in some other Theatre than the one where you took the region in. Too, changing authorities type have a quite large result. Betwixt an Absolute Monarchy and a Republic, the different government effect is -30, but when you change an Absolute Monarchy to a Republic it is much college. Information technology will go down in time to the normal level. And whatsoever you do, do non declare state of war on an ally.

EDIT: Just a skilful tip; having military acess with a country that shares border with 1 or more of your enemies, merely are not at war with them, is gret. You lot can take troops in the neutral faction, send them in to do raids and/or attack small enemy armies so retreat back, so the enemy can't retaliate.

"The satisfaction in this game lies in to see 300 heavy armoured horsemen ride chock in an like shooting fish in a barrel snow, while fire arrows criss-crosses the evening heaven" - Swedish historian and permanent secretarial assistant of The Swedish University Peter Englund on Medieval 2: Total War (translated by Thrashmad)

"A game that contains both Carl Linnaeus and five different types of arms projectiles are indisputable exceedingly detailed." - Peter Englund on Empire: Total War (translated by Thrashmad)

[This bulletin has been edited by Thrashmad (edited 02-05-2010 @ 12:16 PM).]


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